vendredi, novembre 24, 2006

Disown, Delete (Karina)

Le clip de Karina pour 'Disown, Delete' (feat. Cat Power), sur le dernier album d'Ensemble (Olivier Alary) - classe, non?

samedi, novembre 18, 2006

cut smiles (cédric jamet)

bottom of the hole

stop in Quauhnahuac in the

guys & I wish I could about me so I dream I


banged heads achin waste of

and out of the surrounding mud go somewhere you everywhere mind no

needed nor pieces feelingless need silence sound of the pain in vain

and naivety and

impersonal cunt to a long hair beard man puppet master night # 1 sit in

showing hiding her

take no time in a dark fear seconds and minutes and hours

eyes a child blond girl naked feet in the air

eternal hells sense mixes silence heals the haunted

dark fear what may be the stomach of moloch

unfocused year old hermaphrodite

to ask nothing happy with you

not don’t

goin to & what we are all passin’

no replacement nor place to go sliced soul put on

meet you in my arms or somewhere in the mud

poet with glasses he doesn’t need to see he

among wants to join the arms of

itself to the endless crowd of unwords

and mistakes all over my head and meaningless

a few weeks debating the same

old questions of the state of love and trust and the bad wait for

body shape


the ugliness the sincereness I am a four thinking of love and trust

something has to be said but there are no more the

and days and years have all been buried

your midnight


nineteen fifty six is rusted

love you tomorrow as much as I loved you tonight words my trouble is


sur papier congelé Eve cut my heart into little

scrumble and threat from the bottom of my hoarness rough gods

blow away the golden gate gasp awaken dream surrounding internal

I don’t know how you’re feelin’ your

others just words for ... should have been in Argentina had a a wagon

void of a glass of mescal some from the new

another cigarette millions of years and

longer failing and happy with you no favour treatment are innocent we

and I don’t get all that you’re sayin’ &

standing in a

know much about it so I don’t know much you spell science howlin sound

up grace and decayed grace but grace prophète sale

was thrown in but guess ... no bus pass early at

disconnected sketches


dream you are innocent when you dream when you dream so I do

dear J & B I’d love to love you

race were talking about expressionism and elisabetans and as watched

of thoughts early truths only truths and when we

noise repent breathless mashed thoughts grabbing the hardest craps

mind grace fucked

dirtyness expected but grace grace grace spilled grace filled with my

nor airing vision to catch for you no

smelling of

table so that you can walk on it so its juice will be

and I’ll realize how badly I miss you dissect an unforeseen murder Hey

about you so I don’t know much

laughing above him tied up can’t fly takes his dick out quick

the truth of it

old truth they don’t exist anymore been hiding



and I wish I knew where we are all midnight dish sick devision crazy

among the roses thought to myself magic is loss god is for too long

reason to hide far away all gone protection names the way you keep me

babel talks hoarse soul holes walls cracks deep voice insane inside


holy words hidden scratchy moans dolores queen of throat bad caughs and

alive didn’t help to solve the problem nor to see further than

through & maybe sometime I‘ll wake up somewhere & you’ll not be around

jeudi, novembre 16, 2006

clavicle tree (Deborah Kramer)

Elbows resting on the white laundromat counter, triceps pressing into the storefront window . Her her body weight shifted, like pulling an arrow back through a bow string. The left leg carried her: a steady mast supporting her right leg - right hip jutting out and ankle tight, knee bent at a 45-degree angle - an A-frame supporting her meagre ballerina carcass,. Her bottom half became a bowed windsurfing frame, anchored to the linoleum floor. A deserted left sandal sat empty, while the tippy-toes of its owning foot curled, gripping its right foot counterpart. The sturdy pose would surely lead to long-term misalignment. It's so easy to hide among the reeds of our corporal wind chime: bones hanging off a hanger of bones. From a supporting clavicle the spine kinks about, swaying from blade to blade, snaking like enjoined cogs of a greasy bike chain...that one crucial vertebrae, linking neck to back is where posture ends up: a camel hump collecting energy, pain, hidden truths - until it won't bend back into shape.

won't bend back into shape.